Provide for Everyone

Servers do not run on goodwill alone; hard cash is needed to keep the network running. If you have the money to spare, consider donating.

Why Donate?

If not you, then who?

Please consider paying it forward if you greatly benefited from our services or open-source code. If you have the resources, ensure that those struggling financially can also benefit.

Haidra will use your donation to set up and maintain resource sharing. This means that your monetary gift will help others donate their computing time. Making resource sharing possible is one of the most effective ways to help out.

Regular Support

Be an anchor!

Your regular contributions help us continue maintaining the network for everyone's benefit. Regular contributions on Patreon allow us to pay our fixed server costs and keep the sharing going.

Other Donations

We can also use irregular support!

One-off or irregularly spaced donations may allow us to expand into new activities or features. We are open to donations based on achieved milestones if you wish to steer the development. Though it naturally has to benefit all.